Despite being a highly sought-after martial art and sport, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has some obstacles to overcome. For adults, particularly beginners, several challenges may hinder them from fully engaging in BJJ training. Continue reading to discover more about these challenges and ways to surmount them.
Time Commitment
One of the biggest challenges for adults who want to learn BJJ is finding the time in their schedule. As many adult students have full-time jobs and families, it can be hard to carve out the necessary hours for classes and drills. To combat this, it’s important for students to set realistic goals and expectations. If you’re just starting out, try committing one or two days per week instead of three or four—that way, you won’t burn yourself out too quickly. Additionally, try finding a school with flexible scheduling so that you can take classes at times that fit into your lifestyle.
Physical Disadvantages
Another challenge adult BJJ practitioners face is physical limitations due to age or injury. Older students may be unable to perform some techniques due to lost flexibility or strength, while younger students may be hindered by injuries sustained outside of class. To work around these issues, focus on techniques that don’t require too much power or agility, such as chokes and joint locks, rather than throws or takedowns, which require more strength and speed. If possible, talk with your instructor about special accommodations that could help you continue training safely—they may suggest modified exercises or reduced-impact drills that could help reduce your risk of injury while helping you grow as a student in BJJ.
Fear of Failure
Finally, many adult students struggle with fear of failure when starting out in BJJ. This fear can be paralyzing and prevent students from pushing themselves in class or even from showing up at all! To combat this fear, remember there is no shame in learning something new—everyone starts somewhere! It’s also helpful to set small weekly goals to track your progress over time; this will help boost your confidence as you become more familiar with the techniques involved in BJJ practice.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an incredibly popular martial art and sport. Still, it presents some unique challenges for adult practitioners like time commitment issues, physical disadvantages due to age or injury, and fear of failure when starting. With these tips in mind, however, anyone can become successful at learning BJJ regardless of age or skill level! Start by setting realistic goals for yourself and talking with your instructor about special accommodations if needed, then focus on techniques like chokes and joint locks until you’re ready for more advanced maneuvers. Before long you’ll be well on your way toward mastering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! Good luck!
Changing Our Mindset To Overcome Challenges. (n.d.). Texarkana Jiu-jitsu. Retrieved March 10, 2023, from https://texarkanajiujitsu.com/2020/09/01/changing-our-mindset-to-overcome-challenges/
MENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU. (n.d.). Gracie Botany. Retrieved March 10, 2023, from https://graciebotany.com.au/mental-health-benefits-of-brazilian-jiu-jitsu/
Overcoming Challenges through Martial Arts. (n.d.). 7 Spears Martial Arts. Retrieved March 10, 2023, from https://7spearsmartialarts.com/how-to-overcome-challenges/